Privacy Policy

1. Purpose of collecting personal data

The company’s personal data collection measures are used to identify, retrieve and process customer records so that the company can follow up on customer needs and provide close and appropriate services. For specific uses of your identification information, please see the following page for the collection of personal information.


2. Collection principles

In order to protect the privacy of your personal data, the company’s policies and practices for ensuring the collection, use, retention, transfer and access to personal data are in compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong.


3. Collect personal identifiers

You may also need to provide information that personally identifies you, including but not limited to your name, gender, age, identity document number, telephone number, fax number, address, email address, etc., from time to time. If you refuse to provide the relevant information, this company may not be able to provide you with appropriate services. If you are under the age of 18, you must first obtain the consent of the parent or guardian to provide the company with any personally identifiable information.


4. Direct sales

Once you provide the company with personally identifiable information, you may from time to time receive phone calls, e-mails or direct promotional emails from our company/company’s affiliates or partners. If you do not wish to receive such information, please write to the company together with your name, membership number and contact number. The company may ask you to indicate your intentions before registering to use any payment service.
Quality Beauty HK Ltd
19F, Golden Dragon Centre, 38-40 Cameron Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
Email address:


5. The preservation of data

When you conduct business with the company, the company will keep all your transaction records for review. The general policy of the company is to keep relevant information for a reasonable period of time.


6. Disclosure of Information

The Company can usually share your personal data or transfer relevant information to Quality Beauty Limited and its subsidiaries, subsidiaries, holding companies, affiliates and any companies in which they are interested. If you do not wish our company to disclose your information to any third party, please write to our Customer Service Manager together with your name, membership number and contact number.


7. View personal data

You may request the Company’s Customer Service Manager to access your personal data in a written communication. This company will comply with section 19(1) of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance for forty days after receiving your request. Internal compliance with your request. In accordance with Section 20(3a) of the Regulations, if you refuse to submit a request in form or in writing, the Company reserves the right to refuse your request for inspection. According to Article 28 of the Ordinance, the company may charge a reasonable fee to the person who reads the information. However, if you do access personal data for the purpose of making reasonable corrections, the company may, at its discretion, waive the fees.


8. Correct personal data

You must send a written letter to our Customer Service Manager to make changes to your personal data and provide the correct information to be corrected. The company will correct your personal data within 40 days after receiving your request in accordance with Article 23 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. There is no charge for correcting personal data.


9. Security

Personal data provided by you to the Company will be properly stored in the Company’s customer service system, and only authorised persons may access it.


10. Inquiry

For enquiries on our privacy policy statement, please contact our Customer Service Manager.
(This statement can be modified from time to time without prior notice. Please check regularly.)


11. Collection of Personal Information Statement

As a customer of the Quality Beauty, you may need to provide your personal data (“Personal Data”) to the Company when trying out or purchasing our services and/or products (“Related Services”). If the personal data is incomplete or incorrect, the company may not be able to provide or continue to provide such services.

We always keep your personal data confidential. The Company’s policies and practices regarding the collection, use, preservation, disclosure, transfer, confidentiality and access to personal data are in compliance with the laws of Hong Kong and are contained in this statement.

You agree that the personal data you provide to us may be used and maintained by the company for the following purposes and for other purposes that you and the company agree or may require from time to time:

  1. Provide related services;
  2. The Company, its agents, affiliates, or partners are used to promote goods and/or services related to related services for the promotion of any goods and/or services;
  3. Handle any interest from or in connection with the service concerned;
  4. Analyze, verify and/or check your credit, payment and/or condition regarding the provision of the relevant service;
  5. Handle any payment instructions, direct debit arrangements and/or credit arrangements you require;

In addition, based on your agreement with the Company, the Company may disclose and transfer your personal data (whether in Hong Kong or overseas) to Quality Beauty Limited and its subsidiaries, subsidiaries, holding companies, affiliates and their equity Any company that may store such personal data in the Company or Quality Beauty Limited and its subsidiaries, affiliates, holding companies, affiliates and any company in which they have an interest for the purposes described above Or multiple databases (which may contain other information collected by the Company or Quality Beauty Limited and its subsidiaries, subsidiaries, holding companies, affiliates and any companies in which they have an interest) to promote the Company and/or Quality Beauty goods and/or services of Max Limited and its subsidiaries, subsidiaries, holding companies, affiliates and any company in which they are interested are used to compare your interests with those of the Company and /Quality Beauty Limited and its subsidiaries and affiliates for these purposes. Other information provided by companies, holding companies, affiliates, and any company in which they have an interest. If you do not wish to receive promotional information about the goods and/or services provided by the Company that are not related to the service, or if you do not wish our company to disclose, transfer or use your personal data for the purposes described in this paragraph, please write to us at the address below. The company, indicate your name, membership number and contact number.

According to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right to:

  1. Determine if the company holds any of your personal data;
  2. Check your personal data held by the company within a reasonable time;
  3. Check your personal data held by the company in a reasonable manner;
  4. Ask the company to correct any incorrect personal data.

According to the relevant regulations, the company has the right to charge reasonable processing fees for requests for personal data. To view or correct personal data, or copies of personal data held by the company, please write to the following address to request:

Quality Beauty Beauty Center

19F, Golden Dragon Centre, 38-40 Cameron Rd,Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
Email address:

Quality Beauty Limited / Quality Beauty Hong Kong Limited (“The Company”, together with its holding company, subsidiaries and fellow subsidiaries, collectively known as “Quality Beauty Group” or “The Group” )